Land expropriation and compensation 13 March 2017
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The past five weeks saw interesting pronouncements on land in SA. Will it lead to a change in the Constitution? First, let us review as it happened.
More income through higher taxes
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As he warned last year he would do, the finance minister is raising R28 billion from extra taxes.
Keystone Park
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The development of new warehousing space in Durban and surrounding areas is a sign of bullish optimism for future economic growth.
2016 Taxation and property ownership
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As is the custom every year in February when the Finance Minister tables his budget before Parliament, changes to the tax regime are made.
The southern basin of Durban
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The most sort after industrial and logistics property.
JT Ross Property Group pioneers of South Africa's economic growth prospects
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JT Ross Property Group Pioneers of South Africas Economic Growth Prospects
Using government owned property assets to stimulate economic growth
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Using Government Owned Property Assets to Stimulate Economic Growth Creating a Listed Public Property Fund
South African interest rates
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The average South African may be less informed and therefore unaware of the importance of interest decisions made by a committee chaired by the Governor of Sout
Durbans warehouses - the best priced in Africa
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Last week Deal Core wrote about the imminent interest rate increases and how auctioning a property can offer a lifeline to a distressed seller. This week Deal